Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cash's first snow

He didn't know what to make of it. It snowed the day after we got to Olympia. This was just the beginning. It got so bad they declared a state of emergency. We were fine though. We are all loving it here. Cash is getting used to wearing hats and layering. He loves the cat and says "yaya" every time he sees her. Well, we don't have internet set up yet so I'm at Hana's house right now and should go. Take care and happy holidays!

11 Months old!

11 months old!!

At the new house with Lulu

just outside

Friday, November 23, 2007

He finally said it!!

Yup, you probably guessed it, he said mama. He has said dada for months now but last Tuesday he said mama for the first time and hasn't really stopped since. I like to think he's saying it to me but I'm not quite sure. He also has a word for dogs that sounds like shadow without the sh. He says it to all dogs though, not just Shadow. He also has a word for fan and I'm pretty sure he says "that". He knows what birds are and he loves the moon, I ask him where it is and he looks up. So cute! I guess that's about it, he had pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving and loved it but other than that he's still not a fan of most foods. I'll try to keep you updated on any new exciting acheivements, until then, take care.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

9 Months Old!

Cash is getting so big and smart! He still loves the pears as you can see. He loves to play and sing and he absolutely loves the water. He loves to bathe and go to the beach. He has two little teeth on the bottom but I still can't seem to get a good photo of them. He has a great sense of humor and laughs all day. I think he'll be walking soon. Enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I see a tooth

Yeah, one on the bottom has cut through and the other looks like it's on it's way. Oh, my little baby is growing way too fast. He's taking it like a champ, what a tough little guy. I'll post a photo as soom as it's big enough to see. Right now it's just a speck of white on a very red gum. Poor baby.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Yup, he's 8 months old already

I can't believe it either. My boy is getting so big. He's crazy smart too. He copies everything we do. He stands up with ease, and crawls like the wind. He's not walking yet, thank God. No teeth yet either although the doctor said four months ago that he was teething and to expect them any day now. Oh well, he'll get them soon enough. He talks and sings all the time too, it's so cute. Well, I can't think of anything else, enjoy the videos.

8 Month old little monster!

Crawlin' machine

my little Mozart!