Cash was born on January 11, 2007 in Kailua, HI. He was 7lbs, 14oz, and 21 inches long. Olive Rose was born on November 12, 2008 in Olympia, WA. She was 7lbs, 12oz, and 20.5 inches long. Huck Danger was born on September 25th, 2012 in Olympia, WA. He was 7lbs 5oz and 21 inches long. They are the sweetest, happiest children ever and are very loved. This blog is photos, little quotes and updates for our friends and family living far away.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Olive Rose is 10 pounds! She is one month old and doing great. So far she's very easy going and pretty happy all the time. Cash is still coo coo for her. He is 23 months old and changing every minute. He NEVER stops talking. He says everything. He's starting to put together small sentences and he understands plurals. Genius.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
big girl
So the visiting nurse came by this afternoon and weighed Olive. She was 9lbs 4.5oz. She gained a half pound in 6 days and 1.5lbs since her birth. She's doing great.
Sorry, I'm slacking off on the blog, I have a couple other things going on. Anyway, Olive had a two week check up last week and she was 8lbs, 12oz and she grew to 21 inches long. She's doing great. Her doctor was amazed that she smiles all the time and she can focus her gaze on you. She is doing great. She found her voice and will let out the cutest yell when she's hungry. So far she's still very easy going and sleeps a ton. Cash is doing great too. He loves his baby sister. He says "baby" all day and gives her kisses on the head and pats her. He's amazing. I'm constantly blown away by him and his ability to adjust to changes. He's the coolest kid. All in all we are doing excellent. Olive goes back to the doctor when she's 2 months and Cash when he's 2 years. That sounds crazy to me. Well, everyone, take care and thanks for reading this.
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