Cash is crawling. For the last few weeks he's been getting up on all fours and doing push-ups and downward dogs but last Thursday he took off. I was at work at the store and I took him out of the carrier to mop and he shot across the room like an old pro. His favorite toy is any bottle of water. He'll cross any distance for a chance to chew on one. He made a 9 month old baby cry yesturday at a party after he stole his empty Aquafina bottle and tried to eat his shoe. He's licking the corner of my laptop as I write this. Soon I'll figure out how to post video and I'll show you how amazing he is. In the mean time, here is a shot of him crawling for a bottle. Crazy baby.
I cannot believe it, Hali! HOW CUTE!!!!! I guess this means that you'll have to child-proof your house now,huh?!
I agree! Cash is a super baby! We just love the kid!
DANG!! When do I get one!
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