Cash was born on January 11, 2007 in Kailua, HI. He was 7lbs, 14oz, and 21 inches long. Olive Rose was born on November 12, 2008 in Olympia, WA. She was 7lbs, 12oz, and 20.5 inches long. Huck Danger was born on September 25th, 2012 in Olympia, WA. He was 7lbs 5oz and 21 inches long. They are the sweetest, happiest children ever and are very loved. This blog is photos, little quotes and updates for our friends and family living far away.
Wow! You father’s the man! :D This is one, true-blooded, old-school hot rod and will definitely stand out at any car show. Have you tried participating? Nice custom paint, by the way. It looks very playful, but it’s definitely a playful take on the color and design of the car, adding a bit of whimsy on the side. :D
Your father really knows how to roll in style! It is impressive how your father still has a working 1917 Dodge Roadster because it is rare to see a vintage car in such a good working condition. Anyway, maybe you‘ll inherit it someday. I bet you would also take good care of it to make last, just like your father.
Wow! You father’s the man! :D This is one, true-blooded, old-school hot rod and will definitely stand out at any car show. Have you tried participating? Nice custom paint, by the way. It looks very playful, but it’s definitely a playful take on the color and design of the car, adding a bit of whimsy on the side. :D
Dewey Setlak
Your father really knows how to roll in style! It is impressive how your father still has a working 1917 Dodge Roadster because it is rare to see a vintage car in such a good working condition. Anyway, maybe you‘ll inherit it someday. I bet you would also take good care of it to make last, just like your father.
@Sebastian Gaydos
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