Monday, June 11, 2007

Cash is 5 months old today. Time really does fly when you're having fun. I can't believe 5 months. I love this photo. It was taken about a week ago. He is growing so fast. He sits up, sucks his toes and his thumb. He grabs things and puts everything in his mouth. I remember when he was just a lump, now he's a real human. Crazy.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

So funny, I can't stand it.

Just a funny picture I took in Olympia. The glasses don't have lenses.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Cash and his homie Asher

This is Cash and his homie Asher. They are exactly 6 weeks apart. Cash is still learning that it's only okay to eat your own feet. He is so rowdy. He never stops moving and talking. He's exhausting and he can't even crawl yet. ugh. He's really into his tongue lately, he's always sticking it out and spitting and all that fun stuff. We also switched to cloth diapers and so now he always has a huge ghetto booty, I love it. Well we hope everyone is great and look forward to your comments.