Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Walker Texas Baby

Yes, he started walking the other day. I don't have a video of it yet buy I will tomorrow. He started off slowly but now he's walking all over. He is still working on his balance (which is very cute). It's exciting to watch him learn new things. He is still obsessed with books. He brings me books to read all day. He's crazy about them. He also does this really weird thing where he likes to sit on people or the cat. If he sees the cat sleeping he walks over to her, turns around and sits on her and then reaches behind himself and rests a hand on her. If a grown up lays down on the floor he'll do it to them too. It's really hilarious! I wonder what it means or where he got if from. I gotta try to get a video of it. You won't believe how cute it is.

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